Support Amazing Women of History
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Humans use stories to communicate across time. It's how we can learn from history and how we make sense of what is around us. Facts are important and we love wikipedia. But we also believe telling stories creatively helps us communicate and understand these facts better.
And most importantly:
Stories need to be told to not be forgotten.
There are many women, who lived outstanding lives and changed the world, yet most of us don't know much about them. Hollywood and the Games industry are ignoring and objectifying women, instead of highlighting their incredible adventures.
(more about it in
+feministfrequency 's great videos posted below)
But it's not only the Games industry and Hollywood that fail to tell the stories of half the world's population. In 1989,
the Guerrilla Girls produced the first version of a poster called
Do Women Have to Be Naked to Get into the Met. Museum? critiquing the fact that the Metropolitan Museum, and museums all over the world, were filled with paintings about women but not by women. The 1989 statistics: Less than 5% of the artists in the Modern Art Sections were women, but 85% of the nudes were female. Fifteen years later (2004), the statistics revealed even less women artists in the Met, but more representations of nude men.
politicalgraphics )
The Free Culture Licence gives us the power to change which stories are told and what kind of art, movies and games we see around us. Creating, collaborating, remixing, and sharing together as a community we amplify this power.
Let's use the Free Culture License and the creativity of crowds to bring women of history into the spotlight of pop culture!
And you are right, that sounds like fun.
For more about
the Guerrilla Girls ( who had a huge impact on me coming out as a feminist) read this great interview:
and watch their fantastic lecture about Art & Activism:
"We want to change people's minds."
A+D Lecture Series: Guerilla Girls from
Art + Design Department on
I also highly recommend watching Anita's fantastic videos about the Entertainment Industry and it's representations of women :
The Bechdel Test
Tropes vs. Women is a 6 part video series created for Bitch Media that explores the reoccurring stories, themes and representations of women in Hollywood films and TV shows.
The Tropes vs Women in Video Games project aims to examine the plot devices and patterns most often associated with female characters in gaming from a systemic, big picture perspective. This series will include critical analysis of many beloved games and characters, but remember that it is both possible (and even necessary) to simultaneously enjoy media while also being critical of it's more problematic or pernicious aspects. This video series is created by Anita Sarkeesian and the project was funded by 6968 awesome backers on
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