We had a wonderful time at
One Spark Berlin - Europe's first Crowdfunding Festival!
It was a lot of fun and we had so much great feedback and interesting conversations. We also made the
3rd place in the Art Category, yeah! And that gives us lots of motivation to keep going with this project and think about all the interesting ideas to find more supporters others told us about. We still and more than ever want to see the project grow into the community we dream about. We are now busy writing up all these ideas and figuring out the best plan for the near future.
I want to share with you my pitch I was so nervous about, so all of you who couldn't be there have a chance to at least read it:
In the last decades, women's rights
have advanced in almost every field: Sports, Workplace, Home,
Politics. But when we look at entertainment and media, it still looks
like not much has changed. Movies, TV and even the history books
have been undervaluing the role of women since their beginnings. With
the rise of digital media, i was hopeful that new formats and lowered
production costs would bring more diversity, but it's still
shockingly hard to find an online animation or an independent
videogame that showcases some of the most amazing women in our
To improve this situation, our plan is
to build an online community that lets people create, share, and
remix resources about these women's stories. Everything will be
released under the free culture license and to kickstart the project
we will produce inital packs of free artworks like printable graphics
and animated characters.We will support and feature creators from all
around the world, using these resources and sharing their own
creations to be used by others.
For example I would love to see a video
game featuring Rosalind Franklin jumping the hurdles of sexism and
finally winning the recognition she deserves. So I will create her
animated character, that could inspire you to use it and make a game
about her. Somebody else might make some graphics featuring another
great woman of history, that I would love to have on my T-shirt.
Another one might write a song, or a story, somebody else uses to
make a movie. Educators can use these resources too, as can someone
who makes a podcast, a comic or a poster for an event they care
about. The possibilities are endless.
Our estimation is that our team will
need about 3 months to complete the initial artworks, build the
website and promote the community. For this we will need about 10.000
euros. And that's why we came here today. To ask you to help fund
this project.
But it's not only about money, we need
your input! What resources would you want to use? which women would
you like to be featured first? Please let us know and help us build
the community, you would love to be a part of.
We believe collaborative art and
storytelling is not only fun, it's powerful.
We don't have to wait for Hollywood or
the Games Industry to tell the stories we want to hear.
We got the
power of remix. We can to tell these stories together.
Let's bring these amazing women of
history into the spotlight of pop culture!
Thank you!
It actually went well on stage. I wasn't too nervous and even though it was hard to get enough volume to be heard by the crowd all busy talking to all the fellow creators having their booths inside the hall right next to the stage, I think I was able to get our message across. What an exciting experience to be able to talk to people about something you really care and are passionate about.
Here is also a 15 seconds short version of the pitch (German):
Thanks so much to Tobias (@Isarmatrose) from
netzpiloten !
You can see the other 15 second pitches of more creators they made here :
There were some minor hick ups, like having our booth right next to a really big band, that played almost the whole 12 hours through, which left our voices hoarse for the next couple days. Let me tell you no matter how good the band, if you hear the same songs repeated for a whole day on full volume, while you try to scream your message into people's ears, that can be quite exhausting. :)
One thing I think was a little disappointing was that the idea of a crowdfunding festival didn't get fully across. A lot of people I spoke to thought it was all about competition, which isn't my idea about it at all. I believe a crowdfunding festival (and crowdfunding in general) is a fantastic way to make people realize the power we all have together as a community to make projects happen we really want to see.
For me it wasn't about winning (for sure that would have been nice though) but connecting to other people interested in similar topics, and to explore and find ways how we can support each other.
The other thing that didn't went so well was the voting. I tried to communicate to as many people as possible, that they can actually vote as many projects as they like (up to the entire 50 creators). Most didn't know that and it is quite obvious when you see the stats (almost 5000 visitors and only 1699 votes). But I think that is also due to that we here in Germany aren't yet much accustomed to crowdfunding and voting through apps on our smartphones. Maybe next time, apart from all the super nice volunteers running around with tablets to help people get registered and ready to vote, these voluteers should also have some really prominent booths that have giant signs on top that say:
Vote here!
But all in all Paula and I loved the whole experience. I am very happy we could be part of One Spark Berlin. Thanks so much to everybody involved making it happen:
All the organizers, supporters, sponsors, volunteers and the lovely audience!
And thank you so much to everybody we had all these wonderful and informative conversations with.
We hope next year we can come back and present how our idea has evolved into a much bigger project. We didn't get the funding to work on the community platform we wanted to build, but we don't give up that dream and will be working on alternative possibilities. Maybe we start a google+ community for now to get all the people interested in getting creative about the Amazing Women of History together.
Maybe you reading this also have some great ideas how we can make this all work better, even if for now we don't have money? Please let us know. In the end money isn't all, we can do so much together with the tools already existing. I would be for example super interested in an open source community platform, if there is already one existing. And please we are still looking for mentors, partners and everybody else who wants to get involved. This will get only more powerful and fun, the more people we are. Just drop us a line at amazingwomenofhistory (at) gmail (dot) com , or write a comment.
Because of the difficulties explaining at the booth, we didn't manage to do the voting on which women should be featured next, but we crowdsourced a list we share with you now:
(Please feel free to at yours in the comments)
Tell us who is your favorite Woman of History:
Hildegard von Bingen
Rita Levi Montalcini
Santa Rita da Cascia
Chiara Almirante
Barbara McClintock
Lynn Margulis
Lise Meitner
Lotte Reiniger
Anna Akhmatova
Camile Claudel
Ada Lovelace
Catherine de' Medici
Nola Haynes
Marie Curie
Sophie Stroll
Zelda Fitzgerald
Billy Holiday
Karen Carpenter
Vivien Mayer
Queen Hatshpsut
Coco Chanel
Käthe Kollwitz
Florence Nightingale
Virginia Wolf
Angelika Kaufmann
Natalia Gonchargua
Mother Theresa
Anne Clark
Ella Fitzgerald
Quite an interesting list, and as always I see names of women I have never heard of before. So there is still so much to do, and I will start with working on the animated Rosalind Franklin character I promised everybody. So stay tuned and come back for more! Hope we can remix together.
Ps: I also owe you the post where I explain in more detail how I came to understand the Free Culture License and why I think it's awesome. Don't worry, it's coming.
And finally let me introduce you to my amazing partner Paula Spagnoletti, who helps me make all of this happen:
she is sporting some lovely sunshades provided by
(We had a great chat with Konrad Lauten @konratz and now think about starting a campaign)
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